Users who have any of our CCH® CPELink subscriptions will have complimentary access to Compliance Manager.
For certified tax and accounting practitioners, it can be hard enough to find time to complete continuing professional education (CPE) credits, let alone to stay on top of your progress and to meet required CPE deadlines. That’s why CCH CPELink is offering Compliance Manager, a useful tool for keeping up with compliance requirements, free of charge to any tax and accounting professional who has one of our CPE subscription packages.
Take a look at how it tracks your CPE requirements and ensures you’re always in compliance — so you don’t have to.
Convenient Access from All States
Compliance Manager allows CPAs in every state and Puerto Rico to view and track the progress of their CPE requirements when taking CCH CPELink webinar or self-study courses. Conveniently available online, the system monitors your renewal cycle, reporting period, hours needed, requirements specific to the initial license period, and more.
Plus, our CPE tracking and compliance monitoring are also available for other licensed tax and accounting professionals, including Certified Management Accountants, Enrolled Agents, Registered Tax Preparers, Certified Financial Planners, CTEC Registered Tax Preparers, Certified Fraud, Examiners, Members of the American Institute of CPAs, Members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and Government Auditors.
Ensuring Compliance for a Wide Range of Courses
Another benefit of Compliance Manager is that it monitors your mandatory subject requirements, as well as subject and format limitations, to ensure you don’t waste your time taking a course that won’t count towards your state’s CPE requirements. It also suggests courses you could take to fulfill any credit deficiencies and sends out reminders on your current CPE status. Compliance Manager even allows the addition of CPE records and certificates from other CPE providers. CCH CPELink is registered with NASBA’s National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Carryover Reporting
Compliance Manager also tracks carryover hours from one reporting period to the next for many states, including Connecticut, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Vermont.
Never miss another deadline! Keep track of your CPE deadlines and mandatory subject requirements the easy way, with Compliance Manager.